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 Welcome to
Calvary Chapel Mission Valley

Our Mission Is For People To Know Jesus, To Follow Jesus And To Make Jesus Known.


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Youth Services

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Bible Studies

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Children's Ministries

Making Jesus Known
John 3:16-18

A Christian Church Serving the El Paso Community

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Mission Valley.

We are a Christian church in El Paso. Our commission is to make Jesus known to the lower valley community and to the city of El Paso. We do this through church outreach community services, home bible study fellowships, and local church events.


We are also a Bible-believing church here in El Paso. Our Sunday and Wednesday service sermons are through the bible, book by book, verse-by-verse teachings. We go through a book in the Bible from beginning to end. Our congregation is nondenominational, but we are not opposed to any denominations. 


Everything we do here is based on Christian Judeo beliefs. We hope you will take the time to visit us for a Wednesday or Sunday service. 


A Time to Break Bread


Our gathering for fellowship is an important part of what we do here at our El Paso church. We partake of the Lord's communion table on the first Sunday of every month.  We usually have time on a monthly basis to have summer picnics, special outdoor worship events, and celebrate special holidays. We all love a good potluck now and then! We wouldn’t be the same without our regular family events. We have a weekly Women's Bible Study on Thursday nights. Once a month we meet for men's bible studies and prayer time as well. You can find more information on our events page.


Our Worship and Praise is a Regular Part of Our Services


We believe strongly in the bible-based worship of God through the singing of hymns and modern worshipful songs that glorify the God of the Bible. The first 20 to 30 minutes of each service is dedicated to worship and glorify the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the months that contain a fifth Wednesday, (Oasis night) we enjoy an afterglow service night of worship and time of fellowship with friends.





Calvary Chapel Mission Valley in El Paso


8069 Alameda Avenue

El Paso, Texas 79915

Do you have questions or comments? Feel free to contact us here!

Church Office Number: 915-216-4949

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Calvary Chapel Mission Valley.

 |  8069 Alameda Avenue El Paso, Texas 79915

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